The 2019 America’s Got Talent episode featured a heartwarming performance by Lucas and his Border Collie, Falco. Lucas, aged 20, introduced Falco, his 9-year-old furry companion, recalling how their bond began when Falco, as a puppy, hilariously peed on his father’s leg. This humorous start marked the beginning of a close friendship, much to the delight of both judges and the audience.
The Captivating Performance
The act began with Lucas placing a cowboy hat on Falco, which drew endearing coos from the audience. As the music started, Lucas took the hat for himself, and both Lucas and Falco danced to a classic 70s rock tune. Falco responded to Lucas’s cues with perfect synchronization, standing on his hind legs and mirroring Lucas’s moves with enthusiastic jumps and leaps.
A highlight of the performance was when Lucas extended his palm for a high-five, prompting Falco to leap up in excitement—a moment that thrilled the audience. Another impressive feat was when Falco perched on Lucas’s shoulders like a bird, showcasing their incredible bond and Falco’s agility.
Adding to the entertainment, Lucas playfully handled a lasso, prompting Falco to engage playfully with it. The judges erupted in laughter when Falco mimicked Lucas’s press-ups on the ground. Judge Gabriella Union, herself a dog lover with five pets, acknowledged the effort and skill behind such a performance.